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5 New Oils... To Me

Cypress can do more than just transport you to a forest, actually it turns out it can do much more than that. The top properties of Cypress include being an antibacterial, antiseptic, stimulant, and an anti-rheumatic. It blend's well with Basil, Bergamot, and Lavender. It's found in the Aromatherapy Blend. Cypress is NOT safe for internal use.

Top uses of Cypress include :

  • Restless Legs and Poor Circulation -- Apply topically to relieve chronic pain and improve circulation.

  • Bed wetting -- Apply topically over the bladder.

  • Varicose Veins-- Apply topically over the areas of concern.

  • Spastic Coughing-- Apply topically over the lungs followed by a hot pack.

  • Calming and Energizing -- Use aromatically.

  • Emotional Balance -- Use aromatically or topically to go from stalled to progressing.


Juniper Berry is sweet smelling and it has a fun name, but otherwise I didn't know much about this oil until I researched it. Did you know that it's good to maintain healthy kidney function? Turns out it is, just as it is a great calming oil.

The top properties of Juniper Berry include being used as a detoxifier, an antiseptic, and a anti-rheumatic. Juniper Berry blends well with Grapefruit, Bergamot, Cypress. It's found in the detoxification blend (Digestzen). This oil is safe for Neat application.

The top uses for Juniper Berry include:

  • Acne and psoriasis -- Dilute with a carrier oil ,and apply to the area of concern.

  • Sore joints and muscles-- dilute with a carrier oil, and use topically as needed.

  • Detox and Liver health -- Take internally to support cleansing.*

  • Urinary health-- Combine with lemon and apply topically over the abdomen or take internally .*

  • High cholesterol-- Take internally with a capsule.*

  • Tension, stress and depression-- Use aromatically in a diffuser or apply topically to the bottoms of feet.

  • Achieve emotion balance by using Juniper Berry aromatically or topically and go from denying to insightful.


Ylang Ylang has been one oil that has been sitting in my collection for a while. I have

always loved the smell of it and I knew it was a calming, but other than that I didn't know much about it. Here's what I've learned about this amazing oil, now one of my absolute favourites.

Ylang Ylang is commonly used for hyprotention, antispasmodic, and sedative. It can be found in focus blend, restful blend, joyful blend, women's blend. Ylang Ylang blends well with oils such as Frankincense, Bergamot, and Sandalwood. This oil is safe for Neat application

Some common uses of Ylang Ylang include:

  • Low libido, hormone balance and infertility -- wooly topically to the abdoman and pluse points

  • High blood pressure -- apply topically to the back of the neck, across the forehead, and behind the ears. Take internally with a drop under the tonge or in a capsule or use aromatically. *

  • Irregular heartbeat and palpitations-- This can be applied topically to the bottoms of feet and over the heart or used aromatically with the use of a diffuser.*

  • Hair loss- massage topically into the scalp to help stimulate hair growth.

  • Colic and stomach aches-- Dilute with a carrier oil and topically apply it to the abdomen or take internally by using a capsule.

  • Oily skin-- Apply topically to oily skin or take internally.

  • Anxiety, frustration, stress and fear -- Use aromatically by diffusion, or apply topically to the bottoms of the feet.

  • Use aromatically to go from burdened to exuberant.


White Fir is another one of those 'woody' oils, and is most commonly thought of during the Christmas Season.

The most common properties of White Fir include being used as an antiarthritic, a stimulant, and an antioxidant. It blends well with Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot, and is found in Terra Sheild. It's safe for Neat application.

The top uses for White Fir include:

  • Sinusitis and asthma- apply topically to the bridge of the nose and chest or diffuse for easy breathing. *

  • Muscle and joint pain -- Dilute and apply to the affected areas.

  • Muscle fatugue and regeneration (i.e.. after a hard workout)-- Dilute and apply topically as needed to the affected areas.

  • Arthritis - Dilute and apply to affected areas.*

  • Colds and Flu- Apply topically to the chest and diffuse. *

  • Stress -- Diffuse with frankincense for better focus and clarity.

  • Airborne pathogens - Diffuse for increase immunity.

  • Brusing and circulation issues- Dilute and apply topically to affected areas for healing and increased circulation. *

  • Congestion -- Apply topically to the chest or use aromatically.*

  • Furniture polish -- apply to surface using a cloth.

  • Use topically or aromatically to go from blocked to receiving.


Fennel. Before I decided to do this series I knew that Fennel smelled like liquorice, and that it was good to control hunger. I was surprised to learn that it could do so much more than that though.

The top properties of Fennel include being used as an antispasmodic, a diuretic, a digestive, and an anti-inflammatory. Fennel is found in Women's Monthly, and the Digestion Blend. It blends well with oils such as Lavender, Peppermint, Basil. It's important to note that Fennel should NOT be used for those who are pregnant, under the age of five, or people who are epileptic. Dilute with a carrier oil before topical use.

The top uses of Fennel include:

  • Nausea, Colica and Flatulence-- Take internally or use topically by massaging into the abdomen.*

  • Cramps and Spasms-- Dilute and apply to muscles.

  • Breast feeding or low milk supply -- Take internally in a capsule or in water to increase milk supply.*

  • Edema and fluid retention --- Combine with grapefruit and massage over affected areas or take internally.*

  • Cough and congestion -- Dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically to the chest and throat. *

  • Hunger Pains -- Take internally or use aromatic all to curb hunger.

  • PMS and Menstral times -- Take internally or apply topically to balance and tone female organs.*

  • Menopause and premenopausal - Take in a internally or massage over the abdomen as needed. *

  • Emotional balance - Use topically and aromatically to get from unproductive to flourishing.

*The following statements are not certified by the FDA

The Essential Life: A Complete Guide to Living The Wellness Lifestyle. (3rd. ed.). (2017). Total Wellness Publishing.

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