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Ten Powerful Oils: Melealuca

Melaleuca -- If you’ve been using Melaleuca, or more commonly known as Tea Tree oil, in your home you will definitely notice a difference in dōTERRA’s quality. Melaleuca has properties that allow it to be used as an antiseptic, a decongestant, and as an anti fungal, use to name a few. It can be found in the Respiration Blend, and the Cleansing Blend. Melaleuca blends well with Cypress, Thyme, and Lavender.

The benefits of Melalecua as vast, and include:

• Renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the skin.

• Promotes healthy immune function.*

• Protects against environmental and seasonal threats.*

• For occasional skin irritations, apply one to two drops of Melaleuca essential oil (diluted) onto affected area.

• Combine one to two drops with your facial cleanser or moisturizer for added cleansing properties.

• Combine with coconut oil and apply to the skin after shaving.

• Apply to fingernails and toenails after showering to purify and keep nails looking healthy.

• Add a few drops to a spray bottle with water and use on surfaces to protect against environmental threats.

• Create your own aftershave with Melaleuca and Cedarwood.

• Apply to the bottom of feet and inside shoes for a refresher.

• Add to water alone, or along with Peppermint and Lemon essential oil, for a refreshing mouth rinse and breath freshener.

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